Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's a Pointer Kind of Day

A sampling of a few intelligent things flying around the blog-o-sphere today:

Mark Cuban to tackle piracy? Ohhh, *Print* piracy. Hey, the guy's worth $3 billion. He probably feels like he can tackle anything right now. Joe Wikert has all the skinny at A Book Publisher's Blog.

Are we getting a little stressed about a job? Over at Confessions of an Exhausted Mind, Brian's getting a little tchetcy about having all those resumes out there. Dude, you passed the bar, what more do you want? Oh, wait, you actually want a job as a lawyer? Well, that's a whole other matter.

Voters say "no" to intelligent design: Doug Masson pulls together the data from a Pennsylvania election yesterday where 8 members of a school board who voted to include the pseudo-creationism theory in curricula were swept out. Maybe this wacky democracy thing really does work.


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