Thursday, May 26, 2005

Beverly Feldman! The Blog!

Unlike the Manolo, I do not have a complex relationship with the shoes of the Beverly Feldman. I love them! They are deliciously over the top -- and I'm a proud owner of multiple pairs. But she does have her own blog and appears to be populating it with lots of pictures of aging, overtanned over the top dressers like herself. No wonder Manolo doesn't like the shoes. I like to think that even with all black and some understated elegance, Beverly Feldman's shoes work -- even if her blog is a just another celebrity blog...and over the top just like her shoes. The Manolo and I both recommend her. BTW, in Indianapolis, you can find Feldmans galore at Cynde's at Keystone, where as luck would have it, they'll be having a sale preview this afternoon. I hear there may be cocktails involved.


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