Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Pointers Pointers Excuses Excuses

It's Tuesday. I'm on a deadline. I smoked cigars last night. I had an early meeting. I haven't had enough coffee. I need a nap. I have houseguests coming Thursday. I'm running errands. I need to pick up my dry cleaning. I have to pick up tickets. I have to wash my hair. Ruth's Chris made me do it. My friend, Kim, made me do it. The devil made me do it. Yes, yes, I'm full of excuses. And they're all true! It's pointers today -- the Hoosiers Ate My Brain equivalent of re-heating pizza from the refrigerator, which coincidently is what I had for lunch.

Stylin' in Elvish: Indyscribe gives a review of the Lord of the Rings exhibit down at the Indiana State Museum.

Laura Comes Out: And comes clean about her spiffy new J-O-B at Yahoo! And she's working with cool people and everything. Plus, she outs Border's for their new "popular fiction" and "literature" signage -- as she notes, aka "unpopular fiction".

Are You a Bike Snob? Fat Cyclist will let you know -- go take his handy quiz and preview his article for cyclingnews.com.

What is a Corporate Blog? Dave Taylor gets reader opinions over at the Intuitive Life Business Blog. Taylor "gets" it -- not just blogging but business in general.


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